Historical Maps and Aerials of Your Corridor or Site
Railroad, energy, government and private clients often need extensive collections of data for corridors or large areas. We excel at uncovering hard-to-find historical information that’s vital to preparing reports and designs for complex projects.
For example, we recently completed a 250-mile railroad corridor project that included multiple sets of historical aerial photography spanning seven counties in one state and eight in another. This photography was delivered in GIS-Ready (georeferenced) format for ease of use.
When you use our GIS-Ready Historical Aerials and Historical Maps for your project, you can move back in time with the click of a mouse. You can view a series of maps and aerial photographs, usually spanning several decades, of any location within your project area. This makes reviewing your aerial photographs and maps a breeze!
Some of the projects we’re involved in include:
- New or improved utility corridors and highways
- Planning for energy transmission and pipeline routes
- Ownership transfer of large industrial facilities
- Area-wide Brownfield Assessments
- Wind farm planning
- Mixed-use urban developments and redevelopment projects
- Water resource and flood mitigation studies
- Large land tract ownership transfers
- Natural resource management
- Mining area studies
No project is too large or too complicated. Call or email us to find out more about how we can work with you to make your research more efficient and easy to use: 952-253-2004 or orders@historicalinfo.com.