Accurate Database Reports Result in Better Environmental Consulting
Environmental consultants need accurate and complete data – including correctly mapped database listings and the right amount of detail to help identify possible risks. We also try to make sure that we give you the information you need without giving you a bloated report full of redundant information or blank data fields.
Our environmental database reports, compiled from multiple government agencies, can help you identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs), historical recognized environmental conditions (historical RECs), controlled recognized environmental conditions (CRECs) and other real or potential environmental issues at your site and at surrounding properties. Information may include:
- locations of identified or suspected soil or groundwater contamination
- compliance and violation concerns
- permitted hazardous waste generators and emission sources
- leaking tank sites, spills and landfills
- potential sources of hazardous vapors in the subsurface
A crucial part of environmental due diligence is understanding the current regulatory status of a property. We work with our database providers to deliver the most complete and accurate reports so that you can limit follow-up calls to track down additional information. We also save you time by delivering accurate, easy-to-use reports that don’t include outdated or repetitive databases. Each database report is reviewed by a report analyst to insure the database listings are accurately mapped and the list of un-mapped facilities is reduced as much as possible.
We listen to you and can help you customize one or more report templates to meet the specific needs of your firm or to match your client’s database report requirements — making it easier for you to find the data you want and avoid the stuff you don’t.
We work with Envirosite Corporation and Environmental Risk Information Service (ERIS) to give you more database report options than any other data provider. All reports meet and exceed AAI/ASTM database requirements and are delivered in PDF format with clickable links – another great time saver.
Envirosite Government Records Report
The Envirosite report includes, at no extra cost: Access to Envirosite Atlas online platform; database listings in a separate Excel file; and a geological landscape section within the database report that includes maps and data on area soil types, wetlands, hydrologic gradient, topographic elevation, water wells, radon levels and flood zones. For an additional charge, you can upgrade to Platinum Review for more precise locations of database-listed sites within ½ mile of the subject property.
ERIS Database Report
When you order an ERIS report, you can also order, for an additional charge, a Physical Setting Report that includes a floodplain map, wetland map, geology map, soils map with depth to groundwater and bedrock, water well map and well details, radon zone info, DEM shaded relief map and a topographic map. Other options include access to ERIS Xplorer, database listings in a separate Excel file, and a separate NEPA report.
Database Reports for Corridors and Large Areas – Reports for your bigger projects using ASTM/AAI search distances or your custom report template, available from all our database providers. A supplemental spreadsheet containing the report data and coordinates can be requested at the time of ordering so you can integrate the data into your project’s GIS mapping system. For very large sites, supplemental maps can be enlarged for each section of the project area.
Call us for a quote for any size or length of property: 952-253-2004.